Zero Waste Program by KKN Undip: Tote Bag Painting for Elementary School Students in Kedungjeruk Village -
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Selasa, 13 Agustus 2024

Zero Waste Program by KKN Undip: Tote Bag Painting for Elementary School Students in Kedungjeruk Village


Nesianetwork.idOn Monday, July 29, 2024, I, Maria Verena Herwinata Putri, an English Literature student at Diponegoro University, held a zero waste-themed tote bag painting program at SDN 01 Kedungjeruk as part of the KKN (community service program) in Kedungjeruk Village. I believe that language skills and awareness of global issues, such as environmental protection, can go hand in hand. Therefore, when I had the opportunity to participate in this KKN, I felt compelled to use it as a means to teach children about the importance of environmental conservation, particularly through the concept of zero waste.

Teaching zero waste to children is part of our responsibility as the older generation to instill good habits from an early age. As an English Literature student, I am often exposed to various readings and discussions highlighting environmental issues at a global level, which ultimately made me realize that change must start with ourselves and should be instilled from a young age.

With that in mind, I designed a tote bag painting program themed around zero waste. I wanted the children to not just paint, but also understand the larger message behind it. Using reusable tote bags is a small yet important step in reducing plastic waste. Through this activity, I hope to convey that every individual, no matter how small, has a role in preserving the planet.

When I taught the children at SDN 01 Kedungjeruk about zero waste, I saw an opportunity to combine my love for language and literacy with my concern for the environment. I also hope that by introducing this concept in simple language and through creative activities, the children will more easily understand and apply it in their daily lives.

Therefore, this activity not only serves as a fun learning tool but also as a first step in building a younger generation that is environmentally conscious. I believe that the knowledge I have as an English Literature student can be an effective tool in conveying important messages about sustainability to children, so they grow up to be individuals who are aware of and responsible for the environment.


Alia Ana Lestari

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